Onlangs riepen wij u op om voorbeelden van de gevolgen van coronamaatregelen die u en uw partners wereldwijd tegenkomen met ons te delen. En gisteren vroegen we ook over acties die opgezet zijn om de gevolgen van de pandemie te verzachten. Veel Partinleden reageerden. Yvonne van Driel schreef er meerdere artikelen over, o.a. op Vice Versa en Kleine Goede Doelen. En op deze site natuurlijk. In dit ‘liveblog’ komen onze leden zelf aan het woord.

Vandaag Casey Troy Foundation (Kameroen) en Young Africa. Dank en succes met uw werk!

Casey Troy Foundation (12 mei): COVID-19 preventie in Kameroen
De Casey Troy Foundation zorgt samen met haar partner in Kameroen voor zorg, revalidatie, onderwijs en preventie in Kameroen. In het Casey’s Home annex in Bomono worden in het naaiatelier mondmaskers gemaakt, en wordt zeep geproduceerd. Dit wordt gratis uitgedeeld in 12 dorpen en door de gezondheidswerkers wordt voorlichting gegeven over alle preventiemaatregelen. Heel belangrijk omdat de mensen dicht op elkaar leven.

Young Africa (17 maart): Staying in touch in times of COVID-19
The COVID-19 virus has spread rapidly over the last few weeks. Countries all over the world are affected by it and governments have been taking serious measurements to fight the global pandemic. At Young Africa we consider the health and safety of out students, staff and the wider community of utmost importance. From out offices in Harare and Amsterdam to all out affiliates, we work from home. However painful, all out training centres are closed.

Young Africa CEO Dorien Beurskens: ‘After the first shock of COVID-19 hitting us all, we immediately started creating awareness to prevent the spread of the virus. We are extremely concerned about the impact of the shutdowns on our youths. In the fragile economies we work in, livelihoods are threatened. Right now, together with our teams on the ground, we focus on staying in touch with out students. But we are planning ahead for ways to support our youths to keep learning and to make a living. We are in this crisis together and in solidarity we need to come up with sustainable solutions.’

Young Africa (13 mei): How we respond to COVID-19
At Young Africa we prioritize the health and safety of our students, staff and the wider community. The past weeks, in collaboration with our affiliates, we have been thoroughly assessing how we can move forward in the best way.

At the moment our centres are sending training materials to students and we have developed online classes for those with internet. Right now we are looking into creating community hubs where people can access hand sanitizers, masks and gloves tot protect them as they move about. Other areas arising from the current situation and which we focus on are counseling, hunger, gender based and domestic violence, health and medical care and support for informal businesses.

‘I remain optimistic. The young people we work with are resilient and with support, can do amazing things.’ – Dorien Beurskens (co-founder and CEO).

Bent u ook een actie gestart en wilt u dat delen? Of wilt u iets kwijt over de gevolgen van de pandemie? Laat het ons dan weten. Mail naar Wij plaatsen het dan in een volgende blog. Samen doen we meer…

Foto: Casey Troy Foundation