Stichting Widows and Orphans Development also known as Widows and Orphans Development Foundation (WODF) was established on 5 November 2020 with Chamber of Commerce number 80821162. The organization has an ANBI status.

According to the United Nations, widows in developing countries are invisible women with invisible problems, the poorest of the poorest. WODF therefore aims at empowering the disadvantaged widows in Africa mainly in Tanzania, particularly in rural areas so as to alleviate extreme poverty amongst them. It does so by providing entrepreneurship skills to the underprivileged widows to enable them start income generating projects to build their economic resilience.

WODF also supports orphans’ education by providing the school supplies to the underprivileged orphans to enable them access education without hindrance so that they can attain their potential and break out of poverty as future adults.


  • Doelgroep: Alleenstaande ouders | Kinderen | Ouderen | Vrouwen en meisjes | Werklozen
  • SDG: SDG01 - Einde aan armoede | SDG02 - Einde aan honger | SDG03 - Gezondheid en welzijn | SDG04 - Goed onderwijs | SDG05 - Vrouwen en mannen gelijk | SDG06 - Schoon drinkwater en goede sanitaire voorzieningen | SDG08 - Fatsoenlijke banen en economische groei
  • Land: Tanzania
  • Werelddeel: Afrika


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Platotuin 11, 2908 XD, Capelle aan den Ijssel, The Netherlands
